Dave Morgan


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The post-COVID return of live music and ticketed events hasn't quite lived up to expectations for most performing arts organizations, and by extension, gigging performers. Like many of my (music) colleagues, I focused on other job pursuits and musical interests during the extended lockdowns and professional music-making as a harpsichordist now occupies a different space in my life.

From 2024 I am focused primarily on the smallest viol, the Pardessus de viole.

I'm not great at writing bios, so instead I will say I am fortunate to receive ongoing (sometimes intermittent) instruction and coaching on viols from friends and colleagues including Josh Lee, Wendy Gillespie, and Joanna Blendulf.

Also from 2024, I'm currently working towards a specialization certificate in medieval music research and performance practice at Medieval Music Besalú and the Univerity of Lleida.


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I’ve made music with -


Sealthan Consort

Queen City Musicians

Cornish College Opera (under the direction of Stephen Stubbs)

Whatcom Symphony Orchestra (Bellingham Symphony)

Northwest Sinfonietta

Seattle Historical Arts for Kids

Skagit Opera (Pacific Northwest Opera)